"It is my pleasure to e-meet you. I hope you, your family, and your friends are doing well.
We have received a letter from the Maryland Federation of College Republicans to First Lady Yumi Hogan.
She was very touched and impressed by your encouraging and kind words. The photos brought back the pleasant memories she shared with you.
Thank you for your respect and sincere appreciation for Governor Hogan and the First Lady. But more importantly, your letter shows members of the Federation care about the safety and well-being of Marylanders as much as they do. The First Lady believes that all of you will be dedicated leaders for our State and communities in the near future regardless of where each of you will be for your career. The spirit of public service can be everywhere. Maryland is blessed to have young leaders like you.
Please continue to think of others before yourself and seek ways to help them. The First Lady will support you. The future is in your hands.
Feel free to share this message with all your members."
Soo Koo
Chief of Staff
Office of First Lady Yumi Hogan