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1970-71: Wade Kach
1971-72: Del Lamiman
1979-80: Amy Moritz
1981-82: Steve Brown
1982-83: Cynthia Aiello
1983-84: Helen Loughrey
1985-86: Shawn Hill
1987-88: David Bossie
1989-90: Michelle Meeden
1991-92: John Wetzel
1992-94: Fred Bartlett
1994-95: David Marks
1995-96: Sergio Vitale
1996-98: Michael Giusfre
1998-2000: Joshua Bird
2000-01: Phil Dacey
2001-02: Rodney Adney
2002-03: Seth Schraier
2003-04: Mahssan Afkhami
2004-06: Bryan Shuy
2006-08: Rose Capozzi
2008-11: Ashley Barbera
2011-13: Michael Esteve
2013-15: Zachary Patterson
2015-16: Christine McEvoy
2016-17: Patty Miller
2017-18: Jacob Veitch
2018-19: Steven Clark
2019-20: Rosie Wilson
2020-21: Chris Thoms
2021-23: Bradley Lang
2023-Now: Liliana Norkaitis
If you know of past chairmen who are not listed, please email
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